- Sick:hypertension
- What's amazing:cardiovascular system, target organs (brain, kidneys, other organs)
- Reason:Nervous overload, hormonal imbalance, vascular dystonia of various origins
- Symptom:headache, dizziness, weakness, spots before the eyes
- Symptoms:stroke, myocardial infarction, kidney disease
- Doctor:cardiologist
- Treatment:Be conservative, change your lifestyle
- Prevent:diet, timely health check-up
Hypertension - what kind of disease is it?
Blood pressure is one of the main indicators evaluating the stability of the cardiovascular system. It is measured in millimeters of mercury and at rest should not exceed 120/80.
To understand what hypertension is, you need to know what blood pressure is. At the moment of contraction of the heart, a certain amount of blood is pushed into the vessels - this depends on the force of contraction of the heart muscle. Blood is then distributed throughout the body through vessels, providing oxygen and nutrients to cells.
Healthy blood vessel walls are elastic. They dilate easily when large amounts of blood are released at the time of myocardial contraction and contract rapidly when the myocardium relaxes.
Problems begin when blood vessel walls lose elasticity or if blood flow is obstructed due to changes in blood vessel walls (atherosclerotic plaques, loss of elasticity). An increase in pressure within the walls of blood vessels is called hypertension.
In addition, blood pressure increases because the heart releases too much blood and the blood is too thick, making it difficult to move through the vessels. Not only atherosclerosis but also spasms in stressful situations, smoking and some systemic diseases lead to vasoconstriction.
Hypertension (hypertension, essential hypertension) is considered a "disease of civilization" - it is one of the most common causes of death and disability worldwide.
The risk of long-term high blood pressure is linked to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney failure. In addition to medical issues, the problem of hypertension also has a social aspect. Every year more and more young people under 40 years old complain of high blood pressure. Although only a few decades ago, the age structure of patients was mainly people over 60 years old.
What blood pressure is considered high?
Blood pressure is a variable value. During periods of increased physical activity, the heart works harder because the muscles need more oxygen. And during sleep and rest, the amount of blood pumped by the heart decreases and the pressure also decreases.
Normally, blood pressure should not exceed 120/80 mm. rt. Art. The first number is called systolic blood pressure - this is the load on the walls of blood vessels immediately after the heart valves open. You can feel this moment by placing your hand on the left side of your chest or feeling the pulse on your wrist. The maximum pressure in the blood vessels occurs immediately after the heart beats, which is why it is also called cardiac or systolic.
The second number is the pressure during the time between impacts, i. e. during the time the heart muscle is at rest, it is called diastole.
If the tonometer when measuring blood pressure regularly shows numbers above the normal range, the cardiologist will diagnose "arterial hypertension" or "hypertension. "Furthermore, even a single-digit increase indicates pathology.
Causes of high blood pressure
In the majority of observations, blood pressure increased steadily with hypertension. This form of hypertension is called primary. Primary hypertension develops gradually, with most high blood pressure problems usually appearing after 50 years.
There are many reasons why blood pressure frequently increases. In modern science and medicine, new data on cardiovascular disease regularly appear. However, the mechanism of development of hypertension has not been fully studied.
The main theory of hypertension is neurological. It was developed by domestic scientists and is still considered one of the most reliable. Accordingly, the driving force for the emergence and development of pathology is neurological overload, affecting brain structures that regulate pressure.
Additionally, persistently increased blood pressure can lead to:
- Vascular dystonia due to brain or spinal cord injury. The cause of high blood pressure can also be cervical spondylosis - constant tension in the muscles of the back and neck causes spasm of blood vessels.
- Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, menopause, menstruation or when using birth control pills.
Hypertension is a dangerous disease that does not manifest itself immediately. The first warning signs are often ignored and unpleasant symptoms are attributed to overwork or a minor cold.
Symptoms of high blood pressure may appear periodically, but some occur frequently. It is necessary to pay attention to the signs of hypertension in the early stages of the disease:
- headache in the occipital and temporal regions;
- constant weakness, decreased performance, feeling tired even in the morning;
- dizziness accompanied by mild nausea;
- tinnitus, hearing problems;
- flashing spots before the eyes, blurred vision;
- changes in emotional state, development of anxiety, nervousness for the most insignificant reasons;
- rapid pulse, intermittent chest pain;
- increased sweating, chills;
- feeling of lack of air, difficulty breathing deeply;
- periodic nosebleeds.
Symptoms of high blood pressure can appear individually or in combination, but even one of the alarming signs of discomfort is enough reason to consult a doctor.
Important!Taking pain relievers for a typical headache accompanied by high blood pressure may temporarily relieve the symptoms of hypertension, but pain relievers do not eliminate the root cause. Long-term attempts to alleviate the condition with medication can worsen the course of the disease and complicate further treatment.
You should also pay attention to symptoms such as swollen hands and feet (especially in the morning), frequently red and puffy face, and memory loss.
Risk factors
Since the causes of hypertension are not yet fully elucidated, it would be more correct to talk about conditions favorable for persistent hypertension. Main ones:
- Floor.In men, hypertension often develops at the age of 40-50, they are more susceptible to this disease. In women, the first symptoms in most cases appear during menopause and are associated with hormonal changes during this period.
- Living in a state of constant stress:Difficult work requiring intense concentration, family troubles, difficulties in personal life, financial problems, etc. v.
- Genetic predisposition.If both parents or at least one of them has high blood pressure, the risk of the disease increases significantly.
- High levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.Atherosclerotic plaques on blood vessel walls are one of the main causes of blood pressure increasing with age.
- Sedentary lifestyle, working for a long time at the computer without resting, walking in the fresh air.Physical inactivity prevents enough oxygen from entering the blood and slows down blood circulation. Obstruction negatively affects the tone of blood vessels, the vessel walls gradually lose their elasticity.
- Overweight and obesity.People with a high body mass index almost always have high blood pressure. This is due to the fact that heavy weight requires increased blood circulation, which significantly increases the load on the heart. In addition, being overweight is often caused by poor nutrition, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and impaired blood flow.
- A diet with too many salty and fatty foods.Salt retains fluid in the body and causes swelling. Excessive salt consumption is associated with an accelerated pace of life, failure to maintain healthy eating habits, and an unbalanced diet.
- Side effects after taking certain medications.People prone to high blood pressure should not use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, some cough and headache remedies, especially those containing caffeine or codeine.
- Smoke.Nicotine and tar enter the bloodstream along with cigarette smoke, causing constriction of blood vessels and increased blood pressure.
- Alcohol abuse.Almost everyone who regularly drinks alcohol has been diagnosed with hypertension.
Secondary hypertension occurs in diseases of various organs and systems:
- kidney disease(renal artery stenosis) leading to impaired blood supply to the kidneys and a compensatory "increase" in blood flow;
- Endocrine system- increased blood pressure due to adrenal cortex tumors, thyroid disease and some other hormonal disorders;
- nerve system- Encephalitis, brain tumor, etc. v.
The cause of persistent hypertension is determined after a thorough comprehensive examination. Accurate identification of the cause of the disease determines the effectiveness and nature of subsequent therapy.
Important!Normalization of blood pressure in secondary hypertension depends on treatment of the underlying disease. Using antihypertensive medication without a doctor's prescription will not bring the desired effect.
What to do if you have high blood pressure?
Considering the high prevalence of arterial hypertension and the large number of risk factors for the occurrence and development of the pathology, every person should have a blood pressure measuring device. It is better to make daily blood pressure measurement a habit and do it twice a day - morning and evening.
If the tonometer index always exceeds the norm, then you cannot postpone seeing a doctor.
You can reduce your blood pressure and normalize your condition before seeing a specialist using several simple and accessible methods:
- Gently massage the head and neck area. Circular massage movements will increase blood flow and reduce blood vessel spasms.
- You can take a warm bath with sea salt solution. Water temperature must be monitored very carefully, not being significantly higher than body temperature. Bathing in water that is too hot can only make the condition worse.
- A mustard patch placed on the back of the neck or on the ankle area will help dilate the arteries and normalize blood flow.
If your blood pressure suddenly increases and you feel unwell, you need to lie still in a dark room, without being distracted by electronic devices.
Important!When your blood pressure is high, you should not be glued to your smartphone or laptop, watching TV or reading a book. Excessive eye strain will lead to increased blood pressure readings.
If the diagnosis of hypertension has been established, it is necessary to take all medications prescribed by your doctor according to the prescribed regimen. You should not stop taking the medicine at the first sign of improvement.
What to do before the doctor arrives
If a hypertensive crisis develops, an ambulance must be called. There are some simple ways to normalize the condition that can be used before the doctor arrives. These recommendations are important for anyone who has high blood pressure or lives with people at high risk. Here's what you can do:
- Place 1 vasodilator tablet under the tongue until completely absorbed;
- Lie on your back with a high pillow under your head;
- Open windows, unbutton clothes, bring in fresh air;
- Soak your feet in hot water for 10 - 15 minutes;
- drink an alcoholic solution of motherwort or valerian.
Important!Refusing treatment during a hypertensive crisis can lead to a stroke or heart attack.
Preventive measures
The fact that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, best describes hypertension. If at least one of the risk factors for developing hypertension is present, it is necessary to start paying more attention to preventive measures as soon as possible:
- keep a blood pressure diary, where you record blood pressure measurements, including heart rate, twice a day;
- eat properly, normalize weight and give up bad eating habits - overeating, excessive consumption of fatty foods, lots of sweet and salty foods;
- give up alcohol and smoking - alcoholic beverages even in small doses have an extremely negative effect on the condition of blood vessels;
- regularly devote time to physical activity and walking in the fresh air, preferably exercising in a gym under the supervision of an experienced trainer;
- Avoid stress where possible - this will be supported by regular contact with friends and family, relaxation outside the home and normalization of relationships within the group and family.
A healthy lifestyle and careful attention to your health are the keys to many years of good health.
Treat high blood pressure

Treatment for hypertension is performed on an outpatient basis or in the hospital.
Mandatory hospitalization is required for hypertensive crisis with a high risk of stroke. In this condition, the patient must be under constant medical supervision until dangerous symptoms subside. In the future, the patient can turn to outpatient treatment provided that medical recommendations are strictly followed.
The treatment regimen for hypertension and the composition of complex therapy are determined by the attending physician based on the results of a comprehensive examination.
Medicines and drugs
Modern pharmacology offers many drugs for the treatment of hypertension of various types. Most of them are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Along with the positive aspects of this method, there are also negative aspects. Many people with high blood pressure start taking medication arbitrarily or on the advice of friends and relatives, making the condition worse.
Antihypertensive drugs are divided into several large groups:
- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors)- drugs that block the production of certain hormones in the body that constrict blood vessels;
- Sartan medicine- blockers of receptors that recognize hormones that affect vascular tone;
- calcium antagonists- dilates blood vessels and reduces the resistance of the vessel walls;
- dihydropyridineLong-acting and short-acting drugs selectively affect vascular conditions.
Among antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, beta blockers and several other groups of drugs should also be noted.
Antihypertensive medications are selected strictly based on test results. They must be taken strictly according to the regimen prescribed by the attending physician.
Proper balanced nutrition is an important factor in preventing and treating hypertension. A diet for people with high blood pressure needs to be balanced.
Alcohol should be completely eliminated from the diet and consumption should be limited to:
- animal fat, palm, butter and coconut oil, margarine;
- sweet products, white bread, milk chocolate and other sweets;
- salt - no more than 5 g per day, taking into account the amount of salt in the finished product.
It is recommended to include in the diet as much as possible:
- Sea fish is rich in healthy fatty amino acids;
- fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables (at least 5 types per day), herbs;
- vegetable oils - olive, flaxseed, sunflower, corn, sesame;
- high-fiber foods (in addition to vegetables and fruits, including brown rice, hard pasta);
- whole grain porridge.
If you have high blood pressure, you should be careful when drinking coffee. A cup of freshly ground coffee in the morning will not do any harm, but throughout the day it is better to drink clean water or green tea.
Folk remedies
Folk remedies are widely used to lower blood pressure and improve the general condition of the body, but they can be taken only after consulting a doctor. You need to understand that any oriental medicine can only supplement the main method of treatment and cannot be a substitute.
The following will help lower blood pressure:
- garlic tincture;
- mixture of boiled radish with honey and lemon;
- oatmeal decoction;
- honeysuckle infusion;
- Clove decoction and some other remedies.
Ready-made antihypertensive herbal mixtures can be purchased at the pharmacy - this is much safer than buying them on the market.
Things not to do when you have high blood pressure
Strict prohibitions and restrictions are mainly associated with severe stages of hypertension. At the first symptoms of the disease, only alcohol and tobacco are completely prohibited.
The development of the disease can be prevented by adjusting lifestyle and diet - giving up bad habits, moderate physical activity, proper nutrition, avoiding stressful situations.
It should be understood that the health of the entire body depends on the state of the cardiovascular system. Vascular disease in people with high blood pressure can lead to serious consequences, especially stroke and myocardial infarction.
Other complications of hypertension include:
- atherosclerosis, heart failure, angina;
- blind;
- diabetes and other endocrine diseases;
- cerebral hemorrhage, encephalopathy and others.
Seeing a doctor promptly and carefully following all recommendations will help you avoid dangerous complications associated with high blood pressure.
Hypertension or persistent hypertension is the most common disease of the cardiovascular system in the world. Despite doubts about the cause of the disease, modern medicine has learned to successfully combat it. The key to success is contacting a specialist at the first symptoms, a healthy lifestyle and trust in the doctor.